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Housing Stability Survey Results

July 5, 2022

A woman reading a book on the couch to her son and her daughter

BC Rent Bank is pleased to present our report on the results of our Housing Stability Survey,
undertaken to measure the efficacy of rent banks as a housing loss prevention tool for renters
experiencing a short-term crisis.

We surveyed all households in BC that received rent bank assistance between April 1 and June
30, 2021, and asked respondents about their housing situation six months after receiving
assistance, and for feedback regarding their experience with rent bank services.

The survey results were both conclusive and encouraging: rent banks were successful in
supporting renters to maintain their housing when faced with a short-term crisis that
threatened housing stability, with 94% of survey respondents indicating they had maintained
or improved their housing situation. The survey results also helped us to learn more about the
importance of stable housing for community well-being, and where BC’s rent banks need to do
more to meet the diverse and varied needs of BC renters.

To learn more about the survey and its findings, read the full report here.